Create a Shelf Tool

Hello there! here is a quick way to create shelf tool and call it from the TAB Menu.

First of we need to create a new shelf.

Go to the + button located at the end of each shelf tab menu.

Rename your shelf like so. 

  • Make sure to rename the destination shelf. So it doesn't go to the default shelf. It will allow you to easily copy the shelf to different Houdini versions.

Now right click inside the newly created shelf and select "New Tool..."

Rename it to "My Tool".

  • Make sure to select the correct shelf. Houdini always replace the name to "default". Which is quite annoying.

Go to the "Script" tab and type this code:

print "Hello World! Bitches"

Now go to the "Context" tab. Tick the "Sop" checkbox and put "My Tools" in the "TAB Submenu Path" field.

  • Ticking the "Sop" checkbox will display the tool in the TAB menu only when you are in sop context.

And Voilà!
